Schiff, Nancy Rica. Odd Jobs Portraits of Unusual Occupations. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press, 2002.
Examples -
Condom Tester
Page Turner
Baby Handler
Bra Designer
Dinosaur Duster
Tampon Tester (he' a man)
I, myself, was very intrigued by the clockmaster. If only I didn't have a fear of heights.
Or, the solfeggist sounded like a cool job. But, I'm half-deaf from years of walkmans and ipods.
Then, there was the riddler. No, he's not the archenemy of a superhero. He "riddles" wine bottles so sediment doesn't build up. 40,000 a day. Sounds like a great internship opportunity if I wanted to be a sommelier or vintner, but I don't think I could spend the rest of my days doing that.
Can anyone tell me what a "theriogenologist" is? Before I read this book, I had no idea.
A golf ball diver can make $64,000 a year.
A diener can be found in every hospital.
This is a good book to flip through when you're unhappy with your job. You'll either be inspired to break out or be quite happy to discover that there is something worse than your job.