Wednesday, August 1, 2007

"About Me" July 2007

I have Muppet hair (Animal! Animal! Animal!). My hair and I have come to a detente. We let each other alone and most of the bad feelings each of us has instigated have dissipated (mostly). I've come to realize we're actually similar: both of us need the illusion of control to be cuddly, bright things; asserting your authority and telling us what to do will bring only snarls and sneers.

Having hinted at the fractious dealings of myself and hair, let me say I absolutely love my curls. Hair is what I see in the mirror and demands the daily upkeep of outrageously expensive shampoos and conditioners. I feel my lovely curls and only really "see" them with my fingertips. Occasionally, I get a peek at a perfectly delineated curl. Otherwise, they lovingly wrap around an insecure digit or play "bounce" with bored ones. Individuals are loved and cosseted; but once their uniqueness is lost in a group of others, distrust is born and aggression soon follows. As the wise gentlemen of the elements have said, "That's the Way of the World."

1 comment:

George Peckham-Rooney said...

Comic book Recommendations:

Y-the Last Man

Strangers in Paradise


True Story Swear to God


